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YouTube Video - The Key To Reigning In LifeYouTube Video - The Key To Reigning In Life
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Hi There and welcome to another Spiritual Power Nugget.

Today we are going to look at a key verse from the Bible, which when understood correctly has the power to transform your life and cause you to naturally reign in life. The key to reigning in life will be revealed in this power nugget.

Jesus came to earth not only for you to have eternal life but also to enable you with all that you need to reign in life.
But here’s the thing, you must know what has been done and what you are eligible for, so that you can rightfully claim your portion and enjoy it!


That is why Jesus said, “you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free” [Jhn 8:32 KJV].
Yahweh also said that “my people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge” [Hosea 4:6].


See, God didn’t want it to be this way. God wanted us to enjoy life and receive all his blessings without any obligation or action from our side. He just wanted us to live delighted in his love and presence.




But it was man who made his choice that No, I want to have knowledge!
So he ate the fruit from the tree of what? From the tree of knowledge of good and evil!

You see that? Knowledge! Since man made his choice, it had to be this way and now, you need to have the knowledge of what has been done for you in order to reign in life!


So even though God has done everything and Jesus paid all the price that is required for you to live and enjoy life, you cannot really receive or enjoy it UNTIL YOU HAVE THE FULL KNOWLEDGE OF IT AND CLAIM IT!





So today we are going to REVEAL a KEY BIBLE VERSE that will show you HOW TO REIGN IN LIFE!


Key To Reigning In Life


Let us read:

[Rom 5:17 KJV]
17 For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)


This is the KEY VERSE for this Power Nugget.

Let us go through this verse, part by part.


Let us look at the first part:
“For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one;”


Let us look at another  Bible Translation – NIV

“For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man,”


This is talking about Adam. Because of the sin of this ONE MAN ADAM, death ruled over all.

I spoke about this in the Spiritual Power Nugget 1. You can watch that episode by clicking the link on the description below.

BLOG LINK: SPN1: You Were Created To Reign


YouTube Video - You Were Created To Reign
YouTube Video – You Were Created To Reign


So because of the sin of one man Adam, death reigned or came upon all men.
This is clear.


Let us move to the next part of this verse:
“much more”


This is extremely important because this specifies the surety of this verse.
It says MUCH MORE!


Now a question to you.

How certain is death in this world?
100% right?


Actually death is 100% more certain than birth itself. This is because someone could be born or not. But if someone is born, then they must die. There is no escape from death. No one in this world has escaped death. So death is 100% certain.


Now this verse says, MUCH MORE, meaning MUCH MORE certain than death.


Now let us proceed to the next part of the verse:
“they which receive abundance of grace”


Not Everyone and Not just grace,
abundance of grace.
Every word written in the Bible has a meaning and a reason behind it. So you are supposed to receive the ABUNDANCE OF GRACE.


So ask God for abundance of grace! Tell him that you are not satisfied or happy with just his Grace but you need abundance of grace!


I spoke about Grace in the Spiritual Power Nugget 3. You can watch that episode by clicking the link on the description below.

BLOG LINK: SPN 3: Jesus Established New Covenant Of Grace


YouTube Video - Jesus Established New Covenant Of Grace
YouTube Video – Jesus Established New Covenant Of Grace


Another point you need to notice here is the word RECEIVE – “they which RECEIVE”.
Note that it didn’t say “they which RECEIVED” in past tense.
The tense used here is PRESENT TENSE!
This means you receive the abundance of grace  every day! Keep on receiving. Keep on asking God and keep on receiving. The more you receive, the more you rule in life!


Now let us move to the next part of the verse:
“and of the gift of righteousness”


So there are 2 components mentioned here not just Grace:
1. Abundance of Grace
2. Gift of Righteousness


Our righteousness is actually a gift. We are not righteous because of our doing. We are righteous because of our faith in the finished work of Jesus. This was also covered in the Spiritual Power Nugget 3.


It is basically a DEVINE EXCHANGE that happened at the cross.
Jesus took all our sins on him and in exchange gave all his righteousness to us as a Gift!


Here is something you need to understand. How did you become a sinner?
The bible says we all are sinners. We are born with sin. How?


Let us read:

[Rom 5:19 KJV]
19 For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.


Its right there! You became a sinner because one man’s disobedience – Adam.
You now become righteous because of one man’s obedience to God – Jesus!


That is the Key to Your Righteousness!


Our part is only to believe that. If you think you can be righteous by doing right or by following the laws of God, then you are wrong because it is impossible. If that would have been possible then Jesus would not have had to come to die for us. God knows that its impossible and hence, he himself did it for us. Jesus came to fulfill the law.


So by believing in the finished work of Jesus, you receive the Gift Of Righteousness.


Finally, the last part that concludes:
“shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.”


So when you receive these 2 things – Abundance of Grace and the Gift Of Righteousness, you will rule in life by the one – JESUS CHRIST!


Its all about Jesus and its all about His Finished Work.  Amen!


Also note the verse – it clearly mentions REIGN IN LIFE! Not rule in the afterlife or in Heaven or during the Millennial reign of Christ. It is talking about Ruling In Your Life Now.


When you reign or rule in life, the devil or demons don’t rule in your life. You rule and have full control over your life by the power of God.

So let us Praise Jesus for all that He has done for us and be empowered by the knowledge of this truth.

Now that you know, start exercising it by requesting God for abundance of Grace and believe that you have been made Righteous by the divine exchange that happened at the cross with Jesus and start Reigning In Life.


I hope you have been blessed and empowered with this wonderful revelation and please don’t forget to like, comment, subscribe and share. Oh yeah, Hit that bell right next to the subscribe button so that you’re notified of future videos as and when they’re uploaded!


God Bless You!


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YouTube Video - The Key To Reigning In Life
YouTube Video – The Key To Reigning In Life



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