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YouTube Video - Jesus Came To Earth To Establish The Kingdom Of GodYouTube Video - Jesus Came To Earth To Establish The Kingdom Of God
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In this episode we are going to look at the 3rd Reason of Why Jesus had to come to earth.

We saw the Reasons 1 and 2 in the previous episodes and the 3rd reason will be covered in this episode.

The reason number 3 for Why Jesus Had to come to Earth is: To Bring The Kingdom Of God To Earth which is the redemption of relationship.


So what does it mean to Bring The Kingdom Of God To Earth?


Let us look at one instance where Jesus himself said that he was sent to preach the kingdom of God:

Luke 4:43 (KJV) And he said unto them, I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent.

So it’s clear that Jesus was sent to preach the kingdom of God. Therefore it must be very important for sure.





Let us read

[Luk 17:21 KJV] 21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

What did Jesus Mean by this statement?




All Christians know the Lord’s Prayer By Heart – “Our Father Who Art In Heaven…”.
We all say the Lord’s prayer everyday or at least whenever we pray!
In the Lord’s Prayer which Jesus taught us to Pray, we have this particular line which states:

“Thy Kingdom Come”

What does this line actually mean? Have you ever thought about it?

Are we all not waiting to actually go to Heaven one day? Aren’t we supposed to be looking forward to reaching Heaven finally?

Why did Jesus teach us to pray asking The Lord’s Kingdom To Come?

That is the QUESTION NUMBER 2.


Oh Boy, On One Instance Jesus asked us to Pray For The Lord’s Kingdom to Come and another instance, Jesus said the Kingdom of God is within you!


Now to answer these puzzling questions, we will have to quickly take a ride back to the Creation in the first book of the Bible – Genesis and travel all the way till the last book of the Bible – Revelation!


We have an exciting ride in front of us. So grab a cup of coffee or whatever you like and get buckled up!


When God Created Planet Earth, God’s original design and vision was to have Earth as an EXTENSION OF GOD’s KINGDOM.

Heaven is God’s Kingdom no doubt, but earth was supposed to be an extension of God’s Kingdom RULED BY MANKIND.

You can watch about how the Dominion of this planet was given into the hands of man in the First Episode Of Spiritual Power Nuggets. You can click on the video below:


YouTube Video - You Were Created To Reign
YouTube Video – You Were Created To Reign





It is of vital importance to understand that there are 2 distinct dimensions around us.
One is the Physical Dimension which is what you see, hear, touch, taste and smell.
The other one is the Spiritual Dimension which cannot be seen, heard, touched, tasted or smelt.


We feel that the Physical Dimension is more real since we can see it. But in reality, the Spiritual dimension is much more real and powerful than the Physical Dimension. People who know this secret actually rule in life.


There is a branch of Science that deals with the Spiritual Dimension which is called Metaphysics.
Though they don’t openly accept that it’s about the Spiritual Dimension, that’s what it really is.
So even Science is unable to dismiss the Spiritual Dimension.


Let us see what the Bible says about the Physical and Spiritual Dimensions.


Let us read:

[2Co 4:18 KJV] “for the things which are seen [are] temporal; but the things which are not seen [are] eternal.”


The Bible clearly tells us that the Physical Dimension, which are the things seen or visible is temporary. But the Spiritual Dimension, which are the things not seen or invisible is eternal!


The Spiritual Dimension and Physical Dimension actually exist together but we cannot see the Spiritual Dimension.


Let us look at 2 examples from our Bible which will prove this point.


Let us read

2 Kings 6:17 (KJV) “And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain [was] full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.”


So you see the Spiritual Dimension was right there all the time but the servant could not see it with his physical eyes! But when Elisha prayed to God  and when God opened the spiritual eyes of the servant, he saw the mountain FULL OF HORSES AND CHARIOTS OF FIRE!


Let us look at another incident from the Bible which proves the real existence of the Spiritual Dimension.


Let us read

Daniel 10:13 (NIV) “But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia.”


These words were spoken by an Angel!


When Daniel prayed to God asking a revelation, the Angel of the Lord was sent to Daniel with the message. But on the way, the prince of Persia which is an evil spirit resisted or fought with the angel for 21 days! Then Michael the chief of the warring army of angels came to the rescue of this angel. So you see how real the Spiritual Dimension is?
It’s right here with us, around us, all over the place!


With this in mind, let us continue our study now…




So First, let us start with the SPIRITUAL DIMENSION OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD – To answer the 1st question about Jesus saying the Kingdom of God is Within You in Luke 17:21.


Let us go to Genesis Chapter 2, Verse 17

[Gen 2:17 KJV] “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.”




Did Adam Die on the same day that he ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?


When did Adam die?


Let us read

[Gen 5:5 KJV]  “And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.”


It is clear that Adam DID NOT DIE on the same day that he committed the act of SIN.

So did God lie?
Or did God go soft on his words?


Also see what satan told Eve about God’s warning.


Let us Read

[Gen 3:4 KJV] “And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die”


Well, was satan right?


There are many explanations given by people for this point and one of it being that for our God a Day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day according to 2 Peter 3:8. So when God said that Adam would die on the same day, it is during the 1000 years that Adam would die and he died exactly before the expiry of 1000 years which is one day.


But I beg to differ in my  opinion, and I think that God meant what he said.


Adam died on the same day in fact at the same second he committed sin.

Adam and Eve died Spiritually the very second they disobeyed God.


The intimacy and connection between God and Adam & Eve was disconnected immediately!
The Holy Spirit was in Adam and Eve until they sinned. But the moment they disobeyed God, the Holy Spirit left them!

They died spiritually!


That is why, we see God coming in search of Adam and Eve. God is calling out to them. God never had to look for them before!


Let us read:

[Gen 3:9 KJV] “And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where [art] thou?”


It’s not that God doesn’t know. God knows everything. but for the first time God is disconnected from Adam and Eve because the Holy Spirit had left them!


I will give you another solid proof that God DID NOT talk about the physical death to ADAM in Gen 2:17, but spiritual death, because God pronounces physical death to Adam AFTER they disobeyed God in Genesis 3:19.


Let us read

[Gen 3:19 KJV] “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou [art], and unto dust shalt thou return.”


This is the Physical Death! and this was supposed to happen at a future point in time which happened when Adam was 930 Years Old!


See that?


Our Lord Jesus Himself told a parable in which he refers to Spiritual Death! The Parable Of the Prodigal Son!


Let us read:

[Luk 15:32 KJV] “It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.”


The Prodigal son was not dead physically! He was dead spiritually! He was Lost and is found!

So Adam and Eve died Spiritually when the Holy Spirit left them because of act of sin.


After that, everyone who is born into this word, is born Spiritually Dead!


[Rom 5:12 KJV] “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned”


So everyone is born Spiritually Dead because of Adam’s Sin!


But For our sins, Jesus paid the price with his own, sinless blood!
So that the Holy Spirit can come and live inside us rightfully and restore our relationship with Yahweh the father which was lost when Adam sinned and spiritually died.


That is how Jesus accomplished the REDEMPTION OF RELATIONSHIP!




But still we have not answered the 1st question about Jesus saying the Kingdom of God is Within You in Luke 17:21.




Our hears and minds have to be transformed in order to enter into the Kingdom of God.


Jesus said in


[Mat 18:3 NIV] “And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”


So this is a transformation of our mind, our soul and this is constantly happening inside us by the Holy Spirit who is living in us!


Because Jesus paid the price for our sins and washed us clean, the Holy Spirit can rightfully come into us and live inside us and transform us inwardly making us ready to enter the Kingdom of God! This is the spiritual dimension of the Kingdom of God which is inside us!



Now we will answer the 2nd Question about the Lord’s Prayer where we pray asking God’s Kingdom To Come!


This is the Physical Kingdom of God which is coming VERY SOON – SOONER THAN MANY WOULD EXPECT!


To read about this, we will visit the book of Daniel and then travel all the way to the last book of the Bible – Revelation.


Let us read:

[Dan 2:44 KJV] “And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, [but] it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.”


This is the LAST KINGDOM WHICH IS GOING TO COME ON PLANET EARTH. This is the KINGDOM OF GOD which will be ruled by Jesus himself.


let us read:

[Rev 20:4 NIV] “… They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.”


This is the Physical Kingdom of God which Christ Jesus will establish on Earth After the END of Tribulation Time, mentioned in the book of Revelation.


Jesus will reign on earth physically for 1000 Years. We call this period as the Millennium!


We have been praying for God’s Physical Kingdom To Come On Earth ever since Jesus taught us to pray this prayer!


So what happens after the 1000 years of Jesus Reign on earth?
In the book of Daniel we read that this Kingdom of God Shall STAND FOR EVER!


Let us Read:

[Rev 21:1 NIV] “Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.”


This happens after the 1000 Years of Jesus ruling on earth.


[Rev 21:2 NIV] “I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.”


[Rev 21:3 NIV] “And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.”


You see God’s Kingdom is forever going to be on earth with us!


God’s original design and vision of Earth being an EXTENSION OF GOD’s KINGDOM, will finally BE COMPLETED!


That is the Entire Bible From Genesis to Revelation!


We are now in the most exciting period of time just before the start of the 1000 years of Jesus’ reign on earth!


So Subscribe and Stay Tuned To Learn all about the Wonderful things that God has in store for us!


That concludes our 3rd Reason of Why Jesus Had To Come To Planet Earth which is the redemption of Relationship!


May God Bless You!


You can watch the YouTube Video Directly Below!


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YouTube Video - Jesus Came To Earth To Establish The Kingdom Of God
YouTube Video – Jesus Came To Earth To Establish The Kingdom Of God



2 thoughts on “SPN 4: Jesus Came To Earth To Establish The Kingdom Of God”
  1. It is true. Christianity really, really, really is mythology and an exercise in self-deception. Smoke and mirrors. House of cards. All the available evidence points in the opposite direction. The Bible really is entirely man-made, from start to finish, no more divinely inspired than Hamlet or Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Prayer really is 100% ineffectual and a complete waste of time – talking to the walls and to the winds. Heaven and hell are not, were not, and never will be real places, they exist only inside our heads. Nobody survives their own demise, and no afterlife awaits: it gives false hope (or despair) to the living, and it dishonors the dead to pretend otherwise. When you die, you die. No amount of faith can bridge the gap between make-believe and reality.

    The difference between Christianity and skepticism is the difference between hubris and humility. “Who is more humble? The scientist who looks at the universe with an open mind and accepts whatever the universe has to teach us, or somebody who says everything in this book must be considered the literal truth and never mind the fallibility of all the human beings involved?” [Carl Sagan]. We would so much rather have questions that cannot be answered, than answers that cannot be questioned.

    Why choose to remain in the darkness of Bible prison, when there is so much more light and freedom and peace outside of it? Once a person sees the light, they cannot choose to un-see it. The scales have fallen from their eyes. The mist lifts and they begin to see the world in a healthy new way. Belief is not a choice. YouTube Harmonic Atheist (deconversion stories – personal testimonies), among many other excellent online resources, to begin the liberating journey back to reality. “It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.” [again, Carl Sagan].

    Please circulate this message widely and in its entirety. Transparency is everything. Nothing covert or hidden. People deserve better than what they’ve been getting. They have a right to know that they have been hoodwinked for two millennia. The truth cannot be withheld or suppressed indefinitely; it will come out eventually. It will take time – centuries perhaps – but the cycle of indoctrination and brainwashing will eventually be broken.

    Yahweh will one day take his assigned place in the catalogue of mythology, alongside Zeus and Jupiter and Amon Ra and Thor and all the others. (Yahweh’s wife Asherah – whose name appears 40 times in the Hebrew Bible, though much reduced and disguised in English translations – has already taken her place there.) The sooner the cartload of deceptions can be unpacked and exposed, and the fatally flawed belief system dismantled, the sooner the healing process can begin.

    1. Hi There! Thank you so much for leaving your comment, you have every right to let us know your belief and thoughts. We appreciate you for that. Christianity is NOT mythology! If you think it is then you are clearly not a clear thinker. The entire world cannot deny the history wherein the timeline itself has been divided into BC (Before Christ) and “A.D.” stands for Anno Domini (Latin for “in the year of the lord”). 🙂

      Let me give you another food for thought. Take the life of Jesus’ disciples. All of them were scared individuals (we have proof of that). During the life of Jesus as well as after his death they were scared. I can give you many examples of this… Peter who denied Jesus 3 times during the night of Jesus’ trial and another instance where all the disciples were scared and sitting inside a locked room after the death of Jesus. This shows that they were not the BOLD type. In fact, their life history will prove that to you. BUT SUDDENLY, ALL OF HIS DISCIPLES BECAME SUCH BOLD PREACHERS THAT THEY WENT AROUND THE WORLD PROCLAIMING THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND EVEN DIED AS MARTYRS EXCEPT JOHN ALONE WHO IS BELIEVED TO HAVE DIED A NATURAL DEATH. MY QUESTION IS, WHAT IS THAT ONE EVENT THAT TRANSFORMED THEM? IT IS THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST! This alone proves that Jesus was real and he came and died and rose again. This also proves that if Jesus is real then his Father YAHWEH is also real! This is LOGIC and NOT BELIEF. This is backed by historical proof and not myth.

      In fact, BIBLE is the ONLY BOOK that is completely written by people across the ages (approx 4000 years BC from Moses, to John around 69 AD), and YET is in complete harmony proving that the author has to be GOD. Everything from Genesis to Revelation points to God’s son – JESUS. The Bible even foretold historical facts years before it even unfolded, that people had to think that it was written later, but yet stunned because the dating methods proved that it was written before.

      Do you even know what is prayer? Prayer is giving access to God. I bet you haven’t heard that before! Watch my spiritual power nugget episode 1 – – that will explain to you how MAN IS THE ONLY CREATION THAT HAS AUTHORITY ON EARTH. NOT EVEN GOD BECAUSE GOD SAID SO AND MADE IT SO!! There is so much that you need to understand about GOD, HIS WORD, and HIS SON before you think that you are a clear thinker.

      If Heaven and Hell are not real places, then Jesus would have never had to come to earth in the first place! Aha, you can’t say that he didn’t come because I already proved it to you at the beginning of this response.


      You are right when you said that when one dies he dies and there is no hope. You are right and that is true for anyone who does not have Jesus! But for those who are born again and have Jesus as their hope, THERE IS HOPE AFTER DEATH.

      In fact, the Bible has answers to every question but it is we humans who fail to understand it in its entirety. The Bible is the user manual/instructions from the Creator Himself.

      Are you kidding me when you say that scientists are open-minded and have answers from the universe? REALLY? Are you thinking clear or what? The scientist who believes in BIG BANG theory as the beginning of all things. They say that order came from the disorder bang! WOW how fascinating can that be? … fools are those who believe in it. The very DNA of every living organism proves that there is a creator who has CODED IT with such precision. The entire UNIVERSE is governed by LAWS – universal laws. Who created those laws? It came into being by themselves? Big BANG? Common man, you got to be thinking better than that.

      Bible is not a prison but in fact the opposite. JESUS SAID, “YOU SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!”
      Bible gives us HOPE.
      HOPE because Jesus died for our SIN and so we are forgiven and now have access to YAHWEH and HEAVEN.
      HOPE because Jesus is coming back for us to rapture us out of here when it’s time – EXACTLY WHEN THE TRIBULATION BEGINS – ON-TRIBULATION RAPTURE.
      HOPE because Jesus is going to take us to Heaven where we live for ETERNITY with GOD.
      HOPE because Jesus is going to rule the earth for a thousand years (Millennium) after the TRIBULATION TIME on EARTH, and then give everything back to his Father YAHWEH.
      HOPE because after that the NEW HEAVEN and NEW EARTH will be established where only the PEOPLE OF GOD LIVE.


      Asherah is a heathen godess and had prophets in Tyre just as the Canaanite god Baal had prophets. So this is nothing big and there is nothing to link YAHWEH to anything. I have read materials about this so called Asherah theory but its just a theory of some lady scholar and that’s it. Pity that some people believe in such individual person’s theory and doubt God Himself.

      YAHWEH will never take the place of anything else because HE IS THE CREATOR OF ALL THINGS – THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE.

      I personally hope that you will come to the light of truth and seek to find the hidden gems from the Bible and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal them to you.

      God Bless You.

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