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Hi, I am so happy to welcome you to Spiritual Power Nuggets.

This is actually a YouTube Channel that is dedicated to bring out the powerful truths from God’s word.

You can check us out on the YouTube by visiting the channel & subscribing here:

YouTube Channel Of Spiritual Power Nuggets

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You can directly watch the Welcome & Introduction Video on this page below


Welcome & Introduction


There is nothing more important for a child of God than to know the powerful truths that are hidden in the word of God and it is the will of our Father to reveal those powerful truths that are there in his word.

That is why the Lord has given us the Holy Spirit and it is only the Holy Spirit who will reveal these secrets to us.  When I spend time with God, the Holy Spirit reveals powerful secrets from God’s word. I keep writing them down so that I don’t forget it. I used to share them with my wife who asked me one day that why I don’t share this information with others. She gave me the idea of starting a Youtube channel to share the wonderful truths from God’s word. So that was how this channel came into being!



God Wants His Children To Reign In Life!


God wants his children to reign in life. He gave his only begotten son not only for you to have eternal life but also for you to have a blessed life here on this earth now. There are many places in the bible that talks about you having a blessed life here on earth while you live.


We read in 3rd John 1:2
“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”


Now this is not just referring to spiritual health or spiritual prosperity. It is talking about your physical prosperity, because it is mentioned even as thy soul prospereth. So you have the separation between your soul which talks about your spiritual dimension, your prosperity on the physical dimension or materialistic things and health. These 3 elements are mentioned individually. So you can’t go wrong with that!


God wants you to be blessed. God wants you to prosper. God wants you to be in good health even as thy soul prospereth.
Be sure you understand this. This is very important because many people try to spiritualize everything and say that everything that is written in God’s word is for a spiritual reason and it has nothing to do with your physical well being. That is NOT the truth! In fact nothing could farther from the truth!


Let us therefore be very clear that it is the good will of our father to keep us blessed.


If there is anything that teaches you otherwise, please don’t heed to it. If you listen to wrong teachings, it is not going to benefit you but instead will derail you off the track and rob you off the blessings that God has in store for you who is his child.


Romans 8:32 puts this truth across to us so beautifully. This single verse talks volumes about God’s love for us.

“He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?”


If you can fully understand and comprehend what is said here, you will never have to worry about anything else in life.


So be confident of God’s love and favor for you and your family. He has got you.


It is important to know the truths in God’s word.


In Hosea chapter 4 verse 6, God says,
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”


It is true! This is exactly what is happening today.  But you can  choose to be blessed and highly favored by knowing the powerful secrets hidden in his Word.


The truth is out there in God’s word!


… and SPowerNuggets is dedicated to bring out the truth from God’s word!


Keep watching these nuggets as you go about your life and be highly favored.

You can watch the Introduction Video directly by clicking on the video below…


May God Bless You.


YouTube Video - Spiritual Power Nuggets Introduction
YouTube Video – Spiritual Power Nuggets Introduction



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